8 Tips On How To Save Diesel

December 26, 2022

January 29, 2025

In the first quarter of 2022, diesel prices were influenced by ongoing international conflicts, which led to considerable fluctuation. In December of last year the price per gallon in the US stood at $3,612, and by March of this year it had increased to $5,105, an approximate 41% increase.

Meanwhile, in Mexico, the price per liter reached 22.00 pesos in March, a ≈3.04% increase in less than a year. Although not as considerable as in the United States due to government subsidies, the increase is still detrimental, as it causes changes in rates, as well as other operational issues in the supply chain.

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Here are 8 practical fuel-saving tips:

  1. Truck maintenance: Although it sounds a little cliché, it is key, especially verifying that the tires are properly inflated, in addition to good engine maintenance, tuning it up (changing gas and air filters) at least every 6 months.
  2. Try not to lose momentum: Going uphill uses too much fuel. We recommend that when approaching a slope, you try to accelerate a little before reaching it and then ease off as you go up. 
  3. Hypermiling: This means using efficient driving techniques, such as planning a route that is as direct as possible, but that also requires the least amount of acceleration and braking.
  4. Set the cruise control: Set it with the speed that is most suitable for your truck's performance. However, keep in mind that this is only recommended when there are few other vehicles on the road.
  5. Buy a bunk heater: Heating is one of the elements that consumes the most diesel, but we know how important the weather can be on the road. So, if you have to use it, we recommend buying a bunk heater. It provides a pleasant temperature inside the cabin and is independent from the truck, only requiring batteries to function (or a radiator, depending on the model). Therefore, it doesn't need the truck engine to be on in order to acclimate the interior.
  6. Use anti-friction additives: This allows for a better flow between the metallic elements of the engine, thus reducing heating, and allowing for a better performance on miles per gallon.
  7. Use diesel additives: This helps boost the performance of the engine and its parts, leading to improved combustion, cleaning, and lubrication of the injectors, which results in a more complete fuel burn and better fuel mileage.
  8. Try to link your trips: Consider making round trips, rather than several short ones, as a warm engine is more efficient.

Although fuel volatility is always present, it is important to promote good fuel-saving practices to improve performance.

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