The Making of Our Operations Showcase Newsletter

January 29, 2025


Ready to dive into the heart of Nuvocargo's operations? Well, hold onto your seats because we're about to share how the team is working to shed light on the mysterious “black box” that is cross-border logistics.

Why the newsletter is important:

There was a time at Nuvocargo where the work of the Operations team seemed like a black box where they were performing magic by resolving issues for our customers but always happened behind the scenes behind the scenes where no-one was able to understand how they achieved their goals.

How this newsletter was created:

Three champions worked together to create the newsletter in order to showcase the Operations Team’s monthly progress and challenges. This effort was a great example of one of our values, embrace the adventure.

Geraldine, Rossana and Sebastian took on the challenge together. This was something that Nuvocargo had never done before and required each of their skillsets to be successful. Geraldine was in charge of creating the newsletter template and assuring all the information made sense. Rossana was in charge of writing the highlights and lowlights that happen during the month. Last but not least, Sebastian was in charge of pulling all the data from different sources in order to showcase the quantitative results of the month.

Take a look into the amazing newsletter that the team created. We are so excited to share this with you!

What is next for the newsletter:

The quest for perfection is unending, both in driving the perfect experience for our customers and for finding the perfect way to shed light on the efforts of our Operations team. The quest for the Holy Grail might be overrated, but the quest for the Perfect Newsletter Structure? That's the real deal!

The team is continuing working on making adjustments and improvements for the newsletter that will allow the Nuvocargo’s team to be able to know more about the Operation and really understand what is happening behind the scenes to drive the metrics our customers care about most.

Nuvo Newsletter

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