How can I identify the ideal company to develop my skills as a Software Engineer?

January 29, 2025

Now that the digital world is expanding its horizons, the software engineering role is becoming quite relevant in our professional circles - especially in tech companies or startups like Nuvocargo where this role is vital.

If you are a Software Engineer, this is great news seeing as the employment offers have become more prevalent than ever. However, do you know what key elements to look for in your next job? Today, we’ll share the questions that you must not forget to ask during your next interview.

1. What programming languages do we use?

We know that everyone has a different favorite programming language, and that which languages you have experience in also depends on the projects that you have worked on. However, it’s very important to know which languages are being used by the company so that you can decide  whether you will be comfortable working with what is required.

At Nuvocargo we use Ruby on Rails, which is the most used programming language in the startup world due to how easy it is to learn and implement..

2. What are the opportunities for growth?

Everyone enjoys being recognized for their hard work, and there’s no better way to do it than growing alongside and because of the organization you work for.

During your next interview don’t forget to ask about what opportunities for growth are available within your role, how your performance would be assessed and how often this process is done.

At Nuvocargo you have the freedom to look for development in different areas, and you can experiment and involve yourself in different projects that will shape your career path.

We have a company-wide impact assessment twice per year where you get valuable concrete feedback on both “what” your goals were but also “how” you achieved them. After completing the impact assessment process, all “Nuvos” write an individual growth plan that they work on with the manager. These growth plans are used to align on the next steps you need to take in the next 3-6 months to achieve your next goal in your professional journey. 

This is one of the many advantages of working in a startup environment - you have a lot of opportunities for growth and a chance for your work to make a great impact, and not to mention, getting to work with top-notch technology. All of this while you grow professionally. Who wouldn’t want to work in a place like that?

3. Do we have a remote-work model?

If the pandemic gave us anything positive, it is the acceleration of the “Home Office” modality. It’s no secret that Software Engineers can work just as well from home as at the office. This option is becoming increasingly important for candidates when choosing their next job. Personal growth is just as important as professional growth.

For example at Nuvocargo, even though we have offices in Mexico City and New York City, our teams are formed by people who work remotely from countries such as the US, Mexico, and others.

4. How’s the team formed and what’s our work style?

As a company grows, the programming teams scale in size. This allows for the diversification of tasks and provides improved support within the team.

Without a question, having a team that has your back and pushes you to grow is very rewarding for each person’s working experience.

Asking whether the company does coding revisions, has style guides or methodologies, what kind of projects you’ll be working on, will help you adapt to the way they work.

Now you are familiar with some key questions you should have in mind during your next interview to develop professionally and personally in your future place of work. Would you add any others? Please feel free to share them with us!

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